17 Terrifying Creepypastas That Are Guaranteed To Keep You Up At Night

This podcast features various scary stories and creepypasta from popular Youtuber MaddMike. You Have Outlived Your Usefulness : Implied at the end of "Normal Porn for Normal People"—the last video described consists of one of the actresses being tied to a bed by two of the people running the site and then brutally mauled to death by a shaved, abused chimpanzee.

In 2010, a YouTube user called Jadusable started uploading videos of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask after he apparently received a copy of the game from an old man. The next day, Isaac went off to work at his job as an upholsterer, doing furniture repairs for the good people of London.

Urban Fantasy : "I am The Cleaner" is Creepypasta about a Hunter of Monsters , whose job is to deal with the supernatural baddies usually featured in Creepypastas. It started simple with army grunts like me. Each time one of those monsters would pop-up we would send jets and tanks and try to hurt them the best we could.

Today, the traditional creepy tale told in times gone by around the hearth or campfire has been upgraded in the digital age in the form of creepypasta. Things like this are rather spine chilling because you often times want to experience it for yourself first hand, but if you're too scared like I would probably be, the creepypasta lays it out very well with descriptions and images.

In fact, 23% of creepypastas I read were accompanied by an image (this excludes stories with fan images made after the story original story circulated). When a real gem of a creepypasta is found, it makes all the searching and scavenging worth it (at least until it's time to fall asleep).

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